Lam Kor Wan

Lam Kor Wan in jail
A night shift taxi driver usually crime in a rainy night, thereby obtaining the name of 'rainy butcher'. He has killed 4 women, and he will return home to rape the corpse. After each crime, he will take pictures of the dismembered body parts. When a photo printing staff is printing photos for customers, he found some terrorist mutilated photo and then he called the police. After they spy and track on Lam Kor Wan, they arrested him. Police have seized three sets of video about rape the dead women body and mutilation, and seizure female genital specimens and close up photo of the deceased.
I believe Lam Kor Wan had many different psychological diseases, including sexual perversion, for example, through women clothes as sex objects, sexual abuse, and personality disorders, such people very aggressive, self-centered, do not care about other people's life and death.
After five psychiatrists make a depth assessment of him, three of them think he don't have psychosis, his crime is only to satisfy his abnormal sexual needs. In fact, Lam Kor Wan had a unhappy childhood, he grew up in a complex family: His father has 3 wifes. Lam has a bad relationship with his father when he was small like: he always hit him and kick him. they are alienated now, However, since they living in the same house, he didn't communicate with them. This could be refer to Erik Erikson's theory 'psychosocial development theory', because Lam Kor Wan experienced his stage of childhood badly, his personality might be affected.
Lam Kor Wan said, for the first two women he killed is because he think isn't doing crime, but to punish them since that two women were whore. But after that he found fun to doing it, therefore it came up two more victims. This could be refer to Sigmund Freud's idea of unconscious of psychoanalysis: Lam Kor Wan followed his id to seek pleasure from killing.